In summer 2021, while attending an AASBO Conference in Tucson, Arizona, Kevin and Kaci connected through a shared desire to constantly be looking for opportunities to impact real change in their everyday lives. Kevin, a serial entrepreneur who currently works with schools across the country with his company Kay-Twelve and Kaci, a professional who is always looking to work for the positive change, discussed the idea of developing a TV show/webseries spotlighting the growing need to disrupt and change the current way we design our classrooms.
After many months of collaboration meetings and different scenarios and ideas thrown out into the void, including who we would want as our dream host ( we ended on Wayne Brady) we ultimately decided that this project, this idea…. was too small and we went even bigger. We turned that idea for a web series into a non-profit foundation.
Our education system is in dire need for a makeover. Today, schools are designed for the average person and we know that when we are designing for the average we are designing for no one.
No one is average. This is about more than changing furniture - this is about investing in our future; the kids of the future who will eventually lead our communities.